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Jose Ángel Vincench
Artista cubano; forma parte de este grupo de creadores que supieron defender el arte cubano desde el escabroso terreno que los años noventa inauguraron; Pintor por el Instituto Superior de Arte (isa) Ahora conocido como Universidad de las Artes, Cuba.
Su manera de expresarse a través de la abstracción, de los motivos no figurados e inaprensibles, lo hacen dueño de un lenguaje singular y auténtico; participante de numerosas exposiciones tanto personales como colectivas, este autor ha sido merecedor de valiosos premios y reconocimientos en el ámbito nacional e internacional, algunos de ellos:
Mención en el V Salón de Dibujo de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (1998)
Segundo Premio en el Salón de Arte Contemporáneo Cubano, Museo de Bellas Artes, La Habana (1995)
Su proceder respeta las pautas programáticas de la ortodoxia conceptualista
y edifica el corpus de un ejercicio reflexivo, orientado desde lo socio-psicológico.
Entre los lugares donde ha mostrado sus exposiciones personales destacan:
"Behind the Abstract", Axis of Contemporary Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canadá (2007)
"Realidades Mágicas", Havana Gallery, Zurich, Suiza (2006)
"Acerca de lo privado y lo público", Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Habana, Cuba (1997)
Cuban artist; part of a group of artists that was able to defend Cuban art through the rugged terrain of the early 1990s; Studied painting at then named Superior Institute of Art (now known as the University of the Arts) Cuba.
His way of expressing himself through the abstract, via non-figurative and incomprehensible motives, give him the command over a singular and authentic language; Participant in numerous exhibitions, both solo and collective, this artist has been worthy of valuable awards and recognitions in the national and international field, among them:
Special mention in the 5th Annual Salon of Drawing, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1998)
2nd Prize in the Inaugural Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba (1995)
His method respects the programmatic guidelines of conceptualist orthodoxy and builds the corpus of a reflective exercise, oriented from the socio-psychological.
Among the places where Vincench has shown his personal exhibitions, some highlights are:
"Behind the Abstract", Axis of Contemporary Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2007)
"Magical Realities", Havana Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland (2006)
"Of the Public and Private," Center for the Development of the